Philosophy: "Be straightforward and honest with players"
*Does your best player get the most shots?
(Shot distribution/shot allocation)
*You must get to the free throw line more than your opponent. (And you must take advantage of it)
*To shoot better free throws: 1.) Only shoot two at a time (four max) Two sprints each miss. 2.) No talking, no drinks
*Free throw shooting is difficult because it requires relaxation and concentration at the same time. The only way to achieve this is through practice.
*Offense- spacing, spacing, and more spacing. Spacing is offense and offense is spacing.

*At St. Louis they work on 3 things daily:
1.) Conversion Defense
2.) Skill Development
3.) Shoot Free Throws
"Those to whom defense is not important will have the best seat in the game"
1.) Make every cut to the basket hard
2.) Slow down in the target area, give a hand target
3.) Post up in paint if you're a post
4.) Cross screen to bring a big in
5.) Outlet to the three fast
6.) Economy of motion, don't waste movement that is unnecessary
Four things Majerus told his players to do during the summer:
1.) Deny so hard that you get backdoored every time.
2.) Pressure the ball so hard that the player has to dribble to dribble to his shot every time (then level off the dribble)
3.) Get a hand up on every shot.
4.) Blockout