*Competition is great motivation, be afraid of failure. Competition should be day after day after day. Ask the player, "if you keep losing, what are you giong to do to win?"
*Running suicides in 30 sec- run them w/partners. Teach the first guy that he should have the mindset that if he can run it in 28 sec, then he is giving his partner 32 sec to finish.
*Confidence is most important in leadership
*Late in games Coach Self asks his team "What do you guys want to run?" Gives them ownership & the mindset that they will get it done
Players Playing their Roles:
*"Coach, I don't know my role? What does the team need? DO IT!
*Team gave guys a role "nickname" that pertains to them & their role- buy into role.
*Daily affirmations to team as they leave practice, have them sleep on the idea
*Circle up before and after
-What do we want to get done? Did we do it?
-Give them a couple of things to concentrate on