Interesting article on how Cleveland Browns Pro-Bowl kick returner Josh Cribbs has been attending Cavs games recently. He is looking to find the intangibles on what it takes for a team to be successful and have a tight bond.
"I went to grab that atmosphere, to see what it took and to see how I can implement it with our team," Cribbs said.
"It's something I appreciate so much that I'm going not only to enjoy the game and support them but I'm going to grasp the atmosphere, to actually see how they mesh together as a team, how they're getting through it when bad times during the games occur, how they talk as a team and communicate," Cribbs said. "Do they get on each other when something bad happens? Do they argue, fuss and fight? There's something that's happening to them. They must have what it takes -- and it shows.
Cribbs imagines himself passing on the lessons he has learned watching the Cavs.
"I can explain what it takes from looking at them -- what to do and not do, how they prepare to play the game and then go out and have fun," he said. "They have a focus about them. They're focused, but they're having fun. They're not uptight about it. It's like, 'OK, we have a job to do and we're going to do it and occasionally we're going to have fun because it's a game.' It's evident every time they're doing well, they're able to have more and more fun.
"So what I can explain to my team is you prepare for the game, you practice and then you take it to the court. Then you'll be so focused and so full of your job that you'll feel like it's coming easy to you. It seems like it's coming so easy to them. They're working as a team. It's not just one person. They're allowing everyone to work for the team. They're getting the ball to their assets, and they're all working toward one goal -- to win. Everybody is doing their little parts to have a big outcome, which is winning. They know their jobs. They don't have too many distractions. No one's acting up on the team. They're meshing."
From his perspective, the Cavs are a championship team this season.
"They have 'it' this year," said Cribbs, who credits Cleveland fans for helping his team as well as the Cavs. "The only thing that would stand in their way is if they lose that focus, or another team comes in and you have an off game. Other than that, there's no reason they shouldn't go all the way."