Getting Better Every Year
"As a first-year coach you're going to take hits," Bulls coach Vinny Del Negro said. "That's part of the deal. You can't take this job and think you're going to come into a market like Chicago with the reputation and tradition of the Bulls and not get second-guessed."People aren't very patient. But I have the pulse of the team because I live it and breathe it 24/7. There was some tough love early. But I knew once I got some structure and foundation and guys knew how I was going to work, we started playing better."How would Del Negro describe his season?"A learning experience," he said. "I have to improve. Whether it's my first year or fifth year or 10th, you always want to be better. There are so many quick decisions to be made on the sidelines. You're not always going to make the perfect one. That goes with learning on the job. I told the team: Hopefully, we'll all do a better job."