Found this article in the USA Today from two years ago when Southern Illinois was making their run through the NCAA tournament. Here is the story in full:
Some thoughts and quotes I liked:
"They invade your personal space," Virginia Tech coach Seth Greenberg was saying the other day. "I love their attitude. I think it's their mindset."
In a SportsCenter generation, when breakaway dunks own the highlight shows, Chris Lowery has sold his players on the honest labor of team defense, where each man relies on the Saluki next to him.
SIU Head Coach Chris Lowery, "I don't think we sell them on defense. We sell them on winning," Lowery said. "Defense is a part of that."
"Anything time you drive," Virginia Tech's Zabian Dowdell said, "you can expect to be cut off by another defender."
That's the whole idea. Ruin passing angles, interfere with flow, be ready to help, never quit. Not until the shot clock runs out, or a brick clangs off the rim. "The biggest thing is," Lowery said, "they trust each other."
On its weekly notes, Southern Illinois includes testimonials from past victims. This from Missouri State coach Barry Hinson, on preparing to play the Salukis:
"We run down to the police station and we get all the German Shepherd attack dogs and we just bring them onto the floor, and we rub meat juice all over our arms, and we just get ready to practice."