"I'm not a big rules guy," he said, "but I believe in rules."
"It depends on what sector you're talking about," he replied. "If you're talking about our identity, there are five things that should describe a 49er: He's physical and tough. Disciplined. Relentless. Smart.
"The other thing involves character and behavior. Do we treat each other with respect? That's my No. 1 word. Don't do anything that you don't want anybody to do to you. That's why I don't believe in in-fighting, calling names and all that other stuff. If you've got an issue with a guy, go to him and say, 'We need to work this out.' "
The small things. Singletary loves harping on those.
"Our first goal is to execute perfectly," he says. "Every other goal comes after that."
Said quarterback Alex Smith, "I think coach Singletary has done a really good job of keeping us short-sighted. We've got to earn everything, prove ourselves even more. He's pushing us to do that."
And pulling, prodding, counseling, too.
"We've got to get everything out of this team," said Singletary. "That's what I stress to our coaches. I need everybody, every day, every play, to be on point."