*A team can't play well if it is not in the right frame of mind.
*Examine body language as they come into practice.
*Live in the present: forget the past, play the next play to the best of your abilities.
*Never underestimate how important role players are.
*After 2006, wrote down all the things that could get in the way of the team being the best they could be- players being selfish, over-confident, not handling roles.
*Building chemistry isn't all on the coach, your best players have the best chance to improve chemistry.
*Leaders on the floor/ leaders in the locker room- often can be two different sets of people
*Approach/Avoidance goals:
- Approach goals: things the team wants to see accomplished
- Avoidance goals: things the team is hoping to avoid
*FOCUS ON APPROACH GOALS. Avoidance goals are too negative, makes teams play to not lose rather than to win.
*Watching film shouldn't be punishment. Be objective. You can be harder after a win, go easier after a loss.