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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bill Parcells Motivational & Coaching Ideas

Here are some Bill Parcells notes that I recently went through:

Locker Room Signs

1. Individuals Win Games but Teams Win Titles

2. Blame Nobody. Expect Nothing. Do Something.

There are 3 fights that a team has to fight every day

1. Division from within (team chemistry, roles)

2. Competition (your opponents)

3. Outside influences (family, friends)

*Super Bowl XXV team's mantra: "Make the Other Team Quit"

*If they don't bite as pups they probably don't bite

*Losers assemble in small groups and complain abou the coaches and other players. Winners assemble as a TEAM and find ways to win.

*In a competitive atmosphere, to stay the same is to regress

*How to know when to back off conditioning in practice: pay attention to the two best conditioned athletes on the team. When they start showing fatigue, stop. If they're dragging, the rest of them are a lot worse.

*Because it's impossible to control every element of the locker room, he gets 5 or 6 players ("his guys") to speak his message for him and who are his eyes and ears and completely devoted to him.