General Philosophy
1. Passion is critical to success
2. Be honest with yourself
3. Analyze what goes right as well as what goes wrong
4. Learn from the good and bad
Assistant Coaches
1. Have ones that want to be head coaches
2. Make your boss Coach of the Year
3. Everything you do leads you to be a head coach-make your boss become better (take problems away from him)
Teach Your Players
1. Unselfishness
2. Giving
3. To be a great teammate
4. Camaraderie
Championship Teams
1. Execute under pressure on both ends
2. Find a way to get the most easy basketbs (off reb, turnovers, fastbreaks)
-Everyone knows who takes the bad shots, who won't pass, etc... but most selfish act is not running back on defense every trip
-All practices test how you play through fatigue
-Crean feels that in the 40 minute college game: 35 + deflections a game + 42% field goal % = 85-90% win percentage