SIGHT. Focus the eyes on the basket, aiming just over the front of the rim. It’s important to watch the basket until the ball reaches the hoop. But don’t follow the flight of the ball — this helps eliminate distractions.
•BALANCE. Foot position is the foundation of a shooter’s balance and keeping his or her head over the base (feet) controls balance. A shooter should spread his or her feet to shoulder width and point the toes straight ahead. Pointing the toes aligns the knees, hips and shoulders with the basket. The toe on the back foot should be aligned with the heel of the shooting side. A shooter should flex the legs at the knee, because it gives power to the shot.
•HAND POSITION. It’s important to start and finish the shot with the shooting hand facing the basket — i.e. behind the ball. Keep a relaxed hand position, one that forms a natural cup, enabling the ball to contact the pads of the fingers and not the palm. The shooting hand should be turned toward the basket, behind the ball, with the index finger directly at the ball’s midpoint. The ball should be released off the index finger.
•ELBOW-IN ALIGNMENT. Keep the shooting elbow in, because this will align the ball with the basket.
•SHOOTING MOTION. The initial force and rhythm for the shot come from a down-and-up motion of your legs (Remember that 7-year-old?). Start with the knees slightly flexed. Bend the knees and then fully extend them in a down-and-up motion. The legs and arms work together — as the legs go up, so do the arms. Direct the arm, wrist and fingers straight toward the basket at a 45- to 60-degree angle, extending the shooting arm completely at the elbow. The final force and control of the shot comes from flexing the wrist and fingers forward and down. Release the ball off your index finger with soft fingertip touch to impart backspin on the ball and soften the shot.
•FOLLOW THROUGH. After releasing the ball, keep the arm fully extended with the index finger pointing straight to the basket. This will help the ball avoid turning away from the hoop. The palm of the shooting hand should be turned down and the palm of the balance hand should be turned up.