By Wisconsin Head Coach Bo Ryan:
1. Be Proactive
Being proactive means making the first move, not waiting for others to act first, and being responsible for what you do.
Says Ryan: "The amazing thing about us as human beings is we actually can control how we handle something that happens to us. The things that make us different is how we react to it, then respond to it."
2. Begin with the End in Mind
Plan well, and think things though.
Says Ryan, "Have you ever taken time to write down what you would like to have people say about you if you were to die tomorrow? What is it you want to do, and what is it you want to accomplish?"
3. Put First Things First
Put priorities in order.
Says Ryan: "Plan ahead, and if you put things in order, things will work out."
4. Think Win/Win
Says Ryan, "If you're willing to give something, and ou know you're looking to get something, and you're hoping both will happen, then both people come up winning."
5. Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
Ryan compares this trait to the relationship he's had with the players he's coached at every level
Says Ryan, "I wanted them to understand me, but first I had to understand them. If I don't understand my student-athletes, how can I expect them to understand me?"
6. Synergize ( dynamic state in which combined action is favored over the sum of individual component actions.)
The way to achieve synergy is through the creative process, which can be intimidating, because you never know where the creative process will lead you.
Says Ryan, "If you go with your gut instinct and do what is right, go ahead and do it. Sometimes it might not work out the way you wanted, but at least you're doing something.
7. Sharpen the Saw
In other words, take care of yourself, and the other six steps will be easier to accomplish.
Says Ryan, "Take care of your body. Don't let it get away from you. Stay in shape. Sharpen your saw, your physical conditions. You will be able to perform the other habits with a lot better results."