Premiums in Boston Celtics:
1.) Talent
2.) Character
3.) Work ethic
4.) Discipline ourselves to be disciplined
5.) Competitive drive (motor)
6.) Focus
Culture- 7 day a week, 24 hour a day thing
Three Core Covenants
1.) Winning (success)
2.) Personal sacrifice
3.) Accountability to yourself and your team
-Once these are defined, communicated, and understood, then move on to standards.
1.) Professionalism
2.) No personal agendas
3.) Professional/respectful communication
4.) Thin of "now only"- this team, this year
a. We will commit to making sure everything we do is for the betterment of this team
b. Personal situations will take a backseat to team commitment
5.) One way- commit to the teaching and the system that we have, trusting the coaching, holding ourselves accountable to doing it the Celtic way.
6.) Efficient team
7.) Team of execution
8.) Never have a bad practice
9.) Responsibility
10.) Trust
11.) No excuses