Building a Culture:
*#1 Job is coaching your coaches/leaders
*What do you what to be know for?
*You get what you ask for and demand
*Surround yourself with the "right" people
*Committed to the little things (NO gray areas)
*Base principles & accountability
*Win with people- "Coach'em up"
*Leaders don't point the fingers- they point the thumb back at themselves
*Don't leave things open to interpretation
*Give feedback (Honest-Fair-Critical)
*You are who you are in ALL things (Classroom-Practice-Games)
*Coach Pelini spoke extensively about Jerry Rice. He worked with the 49ers early in his coaching career and was simply amazed with Rice's "everyday perfection". He said that he was the absolute best football player he has ever seen. He did everything with perfection on the forefront of his mind. His preparation (in-season & off-season), TEAM relationships, coachability, family, and even in the locker room and training room was done to perfection. Jerry set the bar for the 49ers- who's setting the bar in your organization?