Article in the New York Times on the structure that new Redskins coach has brought to the team. Here is an excerpt:
The Redskins were so mired in chaos that linebacker London Fletcher called it the worst season of his 12 years in the N.F.L., even though he played for a 4-12 team his rookie year in St. Louis. Players were late to meetings, ignored treatment appointments and did not study. The coach’s authority was publicly undermined by the front office, and a dreadful season ensued. The Redskins finished 4-12, including a loss to the Detroit Lions, despite an easy schedule.
“Last year, by Week 4 or 5, I’m thinking: My goodness, I still have 11 weeks of this? This is awful,” Fletcher said. “It can take the life out of you. You got 40 to 45 doing it the right way and 8 not doing what they’re supposed to do, but those 8 guys you’re depending on on Sunday. The trust factor is not there.
“Seemed like every week was something new that we were creating, some kind of situation and distraction. It made it tough to come to work. We were defeating ourselves on Wednesday, before we even had the chance to play the game.”
Fletcher added: “The inmates were running the asylum. That has changed. You definitely know he’s in charge.”