Good story in the LA Times on Dodger outfielder Juan Pierre and his struggle to get consistent playing time despite hitting well over .300 this year. Because of a crowded outfield, Pierre is the odd man out. However, that has not diminished his work ethic and attitude.
"It has been a real pleasure to be around him," said mananger Joe Torre.
The same thing happened to Pierre last year so Pierre is used to playing sporadically by now.
"No excuses this year, none of that 'Oh, but I don't play enough' stuff," he said. "If I'm in there, it's my responsibility to make that happen, and I take that very seriously."
To replicate the daily swings he is missing, Pierre is one of the first guys to show up at the clubhouse every day, living out his 7 p.m. dreams in the early afternoon.To replicate the pounding his body would take in the outfield, he is one of the last guys to leave the clubhouse after games, as he rides the stationary bike until he feels like he has played nine innings.
"Like I said, no excuses," he said.
Not even while pinch-hitting, a job career regulars often find difficult and distasteful. Even here, Pierre has turned potential humiliation into triumph, hitting .353 in 34 at-bats."He knows he's not going to play, but he continues to do the stuff he does," Torre said. "He's a great example for everyone in there."